(Testosterone Hexahydrobenzoate)
Sterandryl Retard, also known by its chemical name, testosterone hexahydrobenzoate, represents a unique formulation of testosterone modified with a hexahydrobenzoate ester. This modification results in a compound that exhibits both short-term and rapid action mechanisms. Commonly referred to as Test Hexa, and known in Portuguese as Testormon Depositum, this compound is seldom found as a standalone product. It has gained most of its recognition through its inclusion in Spectriol, an anabolic steroid blend. Spectriol combines Methandriol Dipropionate (20 mg), Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (15 mg), and equal measures (10 mg each) of testosterone propionate, cypionate, and hexahydrobenzoate, offering a diverse range of effects tailored for enhanced performance.
Testosterone hexahydrobenzoate distinguishes itself by being marginally longer-lasting and slower in its action compared to testosterone propionate, yet it retains enough versatility to be used interchangeably depending on the specific needs of the individual.
Steroid Formulation
In the realm of commercial pharmaceuticals, testosterone hexahydrobenzoate has largely vanished as an independent entity. When it does appear, it is under the Sterandryl Retard branding, presented in an oil-based solution formulated for intramuscular injection. This product is typically packaged in 1 or 2 ml glass ampules, with concentrations varying from 50, 100, to 125 mg/ml, allowing for flexible dosing that can be adjusted based on therapeutic needs or performance enhancement goals.
Indications, Purpose, and Potential Side Effects
The therapeutic indications, intended purposes, and potential side effects of Sterandryl Retard align closely with those of testosterone propionate. For a detailed exploration of these aspects, one might refer to comprehensive profiles dedicated to testosterone propionate, as the pharmacological profiles and clinical implications are similar, given their shared active hormone.
Additional Insights
Testosterone forms the cornerstone of any anabolic steroid cycle, serving as a foundational support to the body’s physiological processes in the context of exogenous male sex hormone administration. Its inclusion is pivotal in both bulking and cutting cycles, adapting to the body’s needs by either augmenting muscle mass or enhancing muscle definition. Sterandryl Retard, with its balanced and effective properties, makes an excellent candidate for combination with other legendary anabolic agents such as Trenbolone, Dianabol, Deca-Durabolin, and Equipoise for bulking phases. Similarly, for cutting cycles aimed at defining muscle contours, it synergizes well with compounds like Oxandrolone, Oral Turinabol, and Winstrol, promoting a lean and defined physique. The versatility and efficacy of Sterandryl Retard underscore its valued role in both enhancing athletic performance and supporting therapeutic applications.
Raw Data
- Testosterone base + Hexahydrobenzoate ester
- Formula (base): C19H28O2
- Molecular Weight (base): 288.429
- Melting Point (base): 155
- Formula (ester): C7 H12 O
- Molecular Weight (ester): 130.1864
- Molecular Weight: 412.6112
- Half-Life: Approx 3 Days
- Effective Dose (Men): 300-2000 mg+ week
- Effective Dose (Women): Not Recommended
- Detection Time: Approx 5 Weeks
- Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 100/100
- Manufacturer: Various